Where will the money be spent?

Your donations will help fund

  • Support for individual champions
  • The production of resources that help promote Dignity
  • Sharing good practice and networking opportunities
  • Events and activities such as Dignity Action Day
  • Representing Dignity Champions on key stakeholder groups

However, this year we are specifically wanting to raise money for four key resources

  • Training packs  - to help champions get the message across to colleagues and others. 
    • £10 will enable us to provide two packs including materials and workbooks.
  • Dignity audit packs -to help organisations look at how they are incorporating dignity into their activities and plan action to improve.
    • £5 will enable us to provide audits to organisations
  • Information cards – based on the 10 Dignity Dos these cards will provide customers and others with key information about how they might expect to be treated during their interaction with support and care providers.
    • £1 will pay for five cards
  • Feedback cards – that enable customers to give targeted feedback about their experience and enable organisations to learn and improve their approach to Dignity.
    • £1 will pay for five cards

Be proud and inspire others

What do you have planned?