Support us
We are a charity, run by volunteers. We do not receive government funding and are reliant on the generosity of our supporters.
Your donation will help us enable those working with vulnerable people to have an impact.
How to donate:

Dignity Champions across the country hold fundraising events to raise money for the campaign. From afternoon teas to musical entertainment there are many different ways to raise money and the highlight the importance of dignity.
Contact us to discuss donations and fundraising ideas.

Where is the money spent?
Your donation will help fund
- Support for individual champions
- The production of resources that help promote Dignity
- Sharing good practice and networking opportunities
- Events and activities such as Dignity Action Day
- Representing Dignity Champions on key stakeholder groups
In seeking to keep our overheads to a minimum The National Dignity Council spends less than 5% of its annual income on administration and the reimbursement of legitimate expenses to our Volunteer Trustees