MPs, MEPs, Peers and local Councillors
MPs, MEPs, peers and local councilors have real power to influence the dignity agenda locally and improve the way people experience care in their areas.
They can become high profile Dignity Champions and could help make a difference in a number of ways including:
- Encouraging local people including local leaders, managers and staff in care organisations and the public to sign up as Dignity Champions,
- Calling for more rigorous action locally to raise awareness of dignity and help prevent abuse of older people,
- Writing to or meeting with local leaders and organisations to encourage them to take up the Dignity Challenge,
- Speaking out about the importance of this agenda at local and national events,
- Actively supporting local initiatives and people that promote dignity in their areas,
- Encouraging local Overview and Scrutiny Committees to review how their local care services respect dignity,
- Recognising and rewarding local people or staff who champion this cause in your area,
- Issuing a press release or writing a column in the local newspaper highlighting the importance of this agenda,
- Using interviews with local media eg. Radio to highlight this issue,
- Agreeing to present any local petitions on dignity or abuse to the House of Commons,
- Distributing dignity cards locally and helping recruit more dignity champions,
Case Study - Leeds Older People's Strategic Partnership work on dignity
A major Scrutiny Board Inquiry was conducted into Dignity in Care across all relevant Leeds organisations in which senior managers were called to account. This resulted in organisations developing action...