Dignity in care guide

The Dignity in care guide from SCIE, has been designed for people who want to make a difference and improve standards of dignity in care. It provides information for service users on what they can expect from health and socail care services and a wealth of resources and practical guidance to help service providers and practitioners in developing their practice, with the aim of ensuring all people who receive health and social care services are treated with dignity and respect.
This guide was originally written about care and support for older people, as they were identified as the group most likely to experience care services that fail to promote dignity. The principles of Dignity in Care, however, are the same no matter which group of adults you work with. In the section on Specialist Care it looks at some additional aspects to consider when supporting people with mental health problems and people at the end of life.
Whether you only have five minutes to get some quick ideas, or five hours to gain an indepth understanding, this guide should help you.
SCIE's Dignity in Care guide (opens new window) looks at:
- The meaning of dignity
- What protects dignity
- What threatens dignity
- Dignity in practice
- Respect
- Communication
- Social inclusion
- Autonomy
- Privacy
- Hygiene and personal appearance
- Mealtimes and nutritional care
- Complaints
- Whistleblowing
- Abuse
...and much more.