speech therapy services

Liz Taylor 24/07/18 Dignity Champions forum

I was talking to someone this morning about the lack of speech therapy services to support younger adults with physical and learning disabilities. The young person has an IPAD which is loaded with a programme called PROGO but there doesn't seem to be any training available on how to make best use of this.

Does anyone have any ideas?


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joanne mison 24/07/18

Hi there my client is autistic and has learning dis and uses the same programme. He presses what he requires and always says please! He was tought this with a language therapist and also the perseverance of staff members as it has changed recently and he is picking it up very well. He is 25

Liz Taylor 24/07/18

Thanks Joanne, did you get the training with the programme, or did the language therapist provide it. I am quite keen to source some training.