Covid 19 and policies

Liz Taylor 26/03/20 Dignity Champions forum

The following was sent into [log in to view email address] I know that people may have their own sources of information but it seems useful

Specific Policy Requirement: CORONAVIRUS

To be read in conjunction with the Business Contingency and Emergency Planning, Good Governance, Infection Control & Cooperating with other Providers policies

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Jan Charles 31/03/20

I am concerned that some very sick Covid 19 patients are being photographed in their hospital beds. They are not usually clothed or able to consent. These pictures appear in Newspapers and online This is intrusive and should stop even if the patients are not in this country.

Do we need another policy to stop this happening?

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Jan Burns Moderator 31/03/20

I totally agree - i am sure they would not have given consent. I have seen some of the photographs etc. blurred but as you say there are some escaping denying people's rights.

I can't open the document you have sent but the message certainly needs to be permeated wherever possible to ensure people's rights to dignity/privacy are met.

Jan Charles 01/04/20

We also appear to have an issue regarding 'Dignity in Death' for Covid patients.
Dying alone, no chance to say goodbye-no closure for those left behind. A photo
of a deceased but covered American patient lying on a trolley in what looked like a yard. (Telegraph 1/4/20).

The new Nightingale wards seem so impersonal-no apparent dignity just a body factory. Can anyone enlighten me as I have only seen press photos.