Could a small change achieve a large benefit?

Claire Robinson 03/01/19 Dignity Champions forum

We are looking for organisations and individuals who would work with us to help patients improve their mental and physical health through improved clothing. The endPJparalysis campaign generated significant data last year to demonstrate the reduction in falls and improved dignity for patients. We want to help take this further by also enabling nursing staff to carry out their work more efficiently whilst still providing such dignity. Many hours are taken up with nurses dressing & undressing their patients who are connected to devices - lines, monitors, drains etc. We created clothing that we are now renting out to patients that will enable greater patient independence and comfort. We would love to hear from you if this is something you would like to make available to your patients, or to simply test. Please see this two minute video to hear and see more of what we are working towards. Thank you so much. This is a real passion project for us as the clothing was inspired by our own experiences of the indignity and subsequent de-conditioning and isolation that is caused by inappropriate hospital clothing. Claire.

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