Council members

Jan Burns MBE
Safe and Settled Limited, CEO - NDC
Chair Lead Strategic Direction of Council
Major area of interest:
Future Development and Sustainabiity of the NDC.-To work effectively and efficiently with all partners to maximise resources and avoid duplication.
Do you currently serve on the governing body of any other organisations:
Trustee for Beacon Centre for the Blind - Sedgley West Midlands, Member of a Care Advisory Board for Supercarers Ltd.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
I have been involved with the Dignity campaign since its inception in 2008. I believe that dignity should be afforded to everyone as a human right - that it should be integral to how we live our daily lives and interact with others. I am fully committed to the fundamental message the Ten Dignity Do's commands and am dedicated to fulfill my role as a dignity champion, to go the extra mile in inspiring others to join me in ensuring dignity, respect and kindness is accessed by all.

Dr Rekha Elaswarapu
Independent private sector, Trustee - NDC
An independent Dignity Advisor and keynote speaker.
Major area of interest:
With well over fifteen years of experience in health and social care environment, both in policy and regulation as well as research, I bring a wealth of knowledge of the statutory, voluntary and academic sector to help provide joined up solutions for quality improvement.
Do you currently serve on the governing body of any other organisations:
Trustee of Age UK Ealing; Associate Fellow at the International Longevity Centre UK; Member National Hydration Forum. Formerly the lead for older people strategy at the Healthcare Commission and subsequently at the Care Quality Commission.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
I have acted as a senior policy advisor specialising in older people, nutrition and hydration, dignity and privacy, end of life, long term conditions, user voice and age discrimination with significant experience of government liaison. I was a key player in the development of many national strategies such as Carers Strategy, Stroke Strategy, Nutrition Action Plan, Hydration Action Plan as well as the Dignity campaign.

Jane Finnerty
Society of Later Life Advisors, Treasurer - NDC
Major area of interest:
Older/Disabled People
Do you currently serve on the governing body of any other organisations:
Womens Institute
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
Having been a member of the council since 2007 I am committed to furthering the dignity campaign and supporting dignity champions.

Liz Taylor
Stratus Consultancy Ltd, Honorary Secretary - NDC
Badge administration, administrative support to Council and Chair
Major area of interest:
Networks and support to Champions Ensuring that the Council and Trustees operate within the bounds of the Constitution and the law.
Do you currently serve on the governing body of any other organisations:
Trustee Social Care Support Network; Chair of Board Suffolk Brokerage Ltd.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
I have been involved in the Dignity Campaign since its inception in 2008. I believe strongly that dignity is and has to be a fundamental part of all our interactions with others, and specifically in care settings where we are working alongside those who are at potentially their most vulnerable. The ten dignity dos give us clear guidance on which to base our interactions and thoughts and to help others understand the importance of dignity and compassion as a keystone. Dignity is indeed everybody's business.

Squadron Leader Alan R D Clark MBE MStJ MCGI MCPara MASI RAFVRT (Ret’d)
Freelance Pre-hospital Emergency Care Specialist and Trainer
Major area of interest:
To support and publicise the need for Dignity in all sections of the Health and Social Care Economy – particularly in the pre-hospital environment either professional or voluntary agencies.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
I have been a supporter of the Dignity Programme since its inception in 2008. Dignity. At the time the programme was subject to funding and support from the Department of Health. Through a series of meeting with management at all levels within my ambulance service, the dignity “Credit Card” Ten Point Dignity Challenge aide memoirs, were distributed to all 5,000 staff attached to pay advice slips.
As a Paramedic, my particular interest relates to introducing a better understanding of Dignity in the ambulance service. As I said to Sir Michael Parkinson at a meeting which included a survivor of the 7/7 events in London, when treat people in the full gaze of the public and the media can very easily compromise the victims Dignity. A situation which has become more of a problem with video from mobile phones not only being “streamed” of YouTube but also now canvassed by media organisations. In most cases transmitted without the express consent of those involved.
I delivered a presentation to the National Conference in 2008 called “Sloppy Slippers” about a multi-disciplined support programme for Elderly Fallers which grew out of Standard 6 of the NSF For Older People which also took in Standard 2, Age Discrimination.
I remain fully committed to the principles of the Ten Dignity Do’s. In the pre-hospital field there is still much to be achieved in ensuring that those in need receive support and care in all its forms which dignity, that individuals are treated as a partner in deciding their care and not just a number to be blinded with technical language. Medical staff have a “Duty of Candour” which sometimes gets forgotten.

Roisin Burton
Solo Support Services, Co-Chair NDC
Co-Chair of the National Dignity Council.
As a dedicated professional in the health and social care sector, I am driven by a passion for supporting and assisting others via strengths-based approaches. In addition to serving as the co-chair of the National Dignity Council, I also hold the position of a Regional Registered Manager, where my responsibilities include providing support to individuals, families and staff teams working within personalised services nationwide.
Major area of interest:
I am extremely interested in human rights, social sciences, health informatics, and safeguarding My academic background in Learning Disabilities studies at Manchester University has significantly shaped my approach to supporting individuals and my commitment to co-production, effective communication, and engaging in emancipatory research aimed at empowering and/or advocating.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
I have been part of the National Dignity Council since 2019 and have supported as a Trustee since then, as well as a Dignity Champion.
My pledge to the charitable aims is to champion that everyone is treated with dignity, compassion and kindness. I am committed to developing the long-term goals of the National Dignity Council and sustainability.

Lesley Flatley
Major area of interest:
Older people Dementia Care End of Life Care.
I have over 30 years of experience working in the health and social care setting.
Having worked in various roles during this time I believe that training in social care sector is essential to raise standards with Dignity at the heart of all we do, improving quality of care for all people who need support at any time during their lives.
Do you currently serve on the governing body of any other organisations:
Chairperson for the Skills for Care Registered Managers Network in Stoke on Trent.
Commitment to the principles and aims of the National Dignity campaign:
Registered Care manager of Care Home for Older People.
I have been involved with the Dignity Campaign initially as a Dignity Champion and later as a Trustee for many years, I am passionate about ensuring that people are afforded dignity in all areas of their lives as a basic human right and not an added on extra.
I believe in encouraging each person to reach their full potential, embracing their uniqueness, valuing their individuality and promoting their independence, and respecting the choices that they make.
I am committed to the 10 Dignity Dos as a fundamental right for all and am dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of Dignity for all.

Alex Lewney
RMP Care Ltd
I would like to put my name forward as a trustee with the Dignity Council. The care sector, and our role in supporting people when they need it most, is my life’s work. I have a deep passion for helping people to live the fullest lives, achieve things they may have never thought possible and raise the expectations of lives with additional support. I have been working for RMP Care Ltd since 2005, in a role directly supporting people and in helping arrange and organise peoples wishes and needs and in supporting the teams meeting those wishes and needs.
I feel I can add a direct perspective of support workers in Learning Disability services, practical and real world applications while discussing care practices and integrating dignity into the heart of care conversations, care actions and care planning.
I have been a supporter of the campaign for many years, promoting it in my work place and in other settings I have visited. We have helped our teams sign up as dignity champions and have the pledge in each of our homes and we have nominated individuals for the Staffordshire Dignity in Care awards, one of which I was very honoured to receive in 2019.
I would like to help the campaign further its work into the stratums of care including those of us providing direct support, but also in facilitating conversations about commissioning care with dignity at its heart and inspecting care services with dignity running through as the criteria of excellent/ outstanding services.
I have felt privileged to be invited to speak at, and support people to speak at, dignity in care events on line, and hopefully have been able to share optimistic, positive care experiences which people have with the right support.
I hope to inspire the next generation of carers to consider care as the fantastic opportunity it is to share in peoples lives, in their achievements and support at the times they are most vulnerable and am a signed up ICare ambassador for Staffordshire.