Dignity poem

A dignity champion who observed some poor practice in their workplace was so upset that she wrote the following poem. Which we think is a wonderful way of getting the message across and we reprint it here. It also started a discussion on the forum on the website which is yet another way that something like this can get the message across to a whole range of 'ears'.

Please, dear, take your time with me
I'm not as fast as I used to be...
My mind is willing, my body is weak
But do you realise that when you speak?
"Morning love, it's time to get up"
Covers back, no tea in my cup...
I know I'm slow, I really try
But gone are the days when I could fly...
Up at dawn, housework fun
Kids all sorted, shopping done...
Washing dried and put away
Dinner made for 6 today...
One by one, they all left home
Leaving me and my beloved all alone...
A year or two was all we had
Then my love died and I was sad...
I couldn't eat, I couldn't cope
I couldn't bring myself to hope...
My days were dark and I got ill
My tears were many, my screaming shrill...
"Mum, we're really worried about you,
So listen to what we will do...
There's a home, not far, it's nice, you'll be fine
We're going there tomorrow at nine"
So here I am, possessions few
I rarely get many things new...
The years I gave, they seem in vain
I don't know when you'll visit again...
I've done my job, I've lost my worth
What reason is my being on Earth?
I sit, I rock, I stare and gaze
These are the things that fill my days...
I wonder if you would be feeling blue
If you were me and I were you...
All I ask is small, really
Please, dear, take your time with me...
