Dignity Action Month

Below are included just a few examples of the sorts of things our champions have been doing during the month of February.  Thanks go to all those who wore red and made a donation to the campaign, your ongoing support is much appreciated.

The Bewdley School

The Bewdley School Students in Year 10 Health & Social Care as part of their course have been writing letters to residents at Summerdyne care home in Bewdley. This community inspired activity will hopefully bring the younger and older generations closer together.

Students were amazed that the oldest resident of 102 was still actively involved in activities in the care home and many students have now developed pen pals at the home. It is hoped students will continue to write to residents to discuss hobbies, interests and enable students to get a greater understanding of the fantastic experiences many residents have experienced during their life.


Our dear champion Trish Jones and her colleagues at Oaklea House took the wear red theme to heart. Putting undignified care to bed - wearing red. Raising funds for the campaign. Well done

Davlyn House

Davlyn House did a whole day’s activities. Everyone wore red, and they had a musical event featuring songs with red in the title, had a red quiz, and in the afternoon, they had a church service which focussed on dignity and compassion. NDC Trustee Lesley Flatley had also promoted the event through her local manager networks, and one of the homes arranged for some animals to visit to make a change for their residents.  The events will be carrying on throughout the month.

Jan Burns MBE

Our Chair Jan Burns MBE undertook various activities, including posting a Red Quiz on our Facebook page which promoted some interest and extended the Put undignified care to bed-wear red theme.

Heron Court

Heron Court in Essex had a display and decorated a digni-tree as part of their activities for Dignity Action day.


Windyridge had a Dignity Heart to sum up how they celebrated Dignity Action Day
It’s about the Health and Well-being of Our Windyridge Family. The ways each staff, friends and residents relatives support themselves and maintain their own mental health.

What does dignity mean to me?

The poem below was written by one of our champions as part of the dignity day event at their workplace.

(written by Lynda using residents words and phrases.)

Respect what I’m saying, show empathy and care,
A happy home is one with love, with friendship everywhere.
I am a human being with feelings just like you,
I need patience, understanding, consideration too.
Don’t treat people rubbish, that’s NOT DIGNITY,
We need to live together in perfect harmony.
‘Do to others as you would be done by.’
That’s what my mother did say.
And that is how we should live our lives,