Latest news
- Good home hubs
- New multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment will cut hospital time for patients by 90%
- Free online course: Systems go! Cross-sector partnering for change in health and care
- LGBTQ+ Older Adult Social Care Assessment (LOASCA) project
- New resource about Dementia published
- Autumn covid vaccine details announced
- Art from the Heart
- Share for Better Care
- Vale House REACH Ltd raise an astounding £1700
- SAND - Safe Ageing No Discrimination
- It’s a pleasure - Care homes coming together
- Being prepared for CQC assessment - Skills for Care seminar
- Improving your CQC rating seminar + practical toolkit
- Skills for care - Digital skills eLearning modules
- Skills for Care - Making integration happen
- Choosing the right living option
- Developing a meaningful garden space in a care home with staff and family members: a qualitative study
- Exploring alternative living arrangements when feeling unsafe or unsupported
- Evaluation of the Out-of-Hospital Care Models Programme for People Experiencing Homelessness
- Community Led Homes
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