Adult Safeguarding Summit 2017: Improving Adult Safeguarding Practice Decision Making, User Involvement & Outcomes

Event date

Benefits of attending

This conference will enable you to: 

  • Understand the national context of your safeguarding practice
  • Move towards full implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Embed creativity and individuality into the safeguarding response
  • Learn from others to enable a user focused approach to adult safeguarding, including hearing from service users, and the role of service user reference groups
  • Monitor and improve service user led outcomes for safeguarding
  • Understand the legal context including implications of recent developments such as the Law Commission DoLS review
  • Improve your skills in identifying criteria and decision making for intervention and escalation
  • Develop your skills in safeguarding investigation, undertaking a safeguarding enquiry and report writing
  • Improving services and practice for people who self neglect
  • Understand how to work effectively with the police 
  • Improve practice in multi agency information sharing

Follow the conference on Twitter #safeguardingadults