
We are happy for you to use these resources, at no cost, to support you in ensuring that dignity is delivered, however if you found them helpful, please consider making a donation to help the campaign continue and develop new resources.


Explore your approach to dignity

Our Dignity Training Packs are designed to help you and others deliver services with dignity, respect and compassion.

The Jar of Hearts

Show you acknowledge the contribution made by those who support others with The Jar of Hearts.

Useful resources for Champions

Resources that the Dignity in Care Campaign have developed for Dignity Champions to use. 

These include:

There are also additional sections to help:


Share for Better Care illustration

Share for Better Care

Learn about Share for Better care and how 'Together we can improve health and social care'.

Respecting dignity

The resources in this section, help to promote the things that matter in respecting the dignity of service users and provide information to help people take action on dignity locally.


Service settings

This section of resources highlights best practice examples while treating people with dignity and respect in different service settings.


Training resources

The resources on this page can be used for Dignity in Care staff training.


Becoming a carer

Useful information for those people thinking about becoming a carer.


SCIE's Dignity in Care guide

The Dignity in care guide from SCIE, has been designed for people who want to make a difference and improve standards of dignity in care.