What support is available to Dignity Champions?

Dignity Champions are volunteers, they are not paid but are provided with a range of support to help them in their roles as Dignity Champions and all are invited to participate in local Dignity Champions Networking activities so they can forge links with other local Dignity Champions and explore how they can collectively take action. The Dignity Champions can make use of

  • The "Toolkit for Action" which gives staff & members of the public ideas on what they can do as Dignity Champions
  • Regional pages with regular updates on local networking activities, events and projects which Dignity Champions can get involved in
  • Identifying and contacting other local Dignity Champions
  • Latest news for Dignity Champions from Government, key stakeholders and other Dignity Champions

Dignity Champions will be kept in touch either through a monthly e-bulletin or a quarterly newsletter. Dignity Champions can also visit the SCIE Dignity in Care Practice Guide (opens new window)designed for people who want to make a difference and improve standards of dignity in care. Whether you only have five minutes to get some quick ideas, or five hours to gain an in-depth understanding, this guide should meet your needs.